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FMS Forum • View topic - R/C Aerochopper original Futaba controller

R/C Aerochopper original Futaba controller

Postby Juan Carlos Meola » Wed May 22, 2002 8:05 pm

There is a way to convert this controller for use with FMS ?
Juan Carlos Meola
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Postby dditch » Wed Jan 01, 2003 3:02 pm

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Postby Mike Roberts » Wed Jan 01, 2003 3:40 pm

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Postby dditch » Fri Jan 03, 2003 4:59 pm

Mike, I am in Maryland, USA.
If I decoded the protocol of the transmitter, would you be the one to add the interface or who else would/could do that?
I have all the tools at work, would just need to know my work would be used before doing so.
I'd prefer a non hack solution. I already ordered the PIC interface from someone on Ebay so I am in no hurry. Just looking to help with a solution for those who have the aerochopper transmitter, at least 15 of us in our club do. I might also be inclined to take the aeorochopper transmitter with me when I travel instead of my $500 heli radio.
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Postby Mike Roberts » Sat Jan 04, 2003 10:52 pm

It will be nice when we can 'teleport' items as well as send email!

My guess is that it would be difficult to get FMS to pick up the serial signal from this interface without a software update.

However it is still likely that there is a signal inside the transmitter that we can pick up. Please open it up and have a look. My guess is that you will see two boards - the more complex with the connections to the pots will be the coder board. With luck there will be a second board with a three wire connection to this that also connects to the serial connection. If so the three wires will be +, gnd, signal and the gnd and signal can be conected to the standard interfaces.

Please let me know what you find. A photo would be nice (might be easier to email to me). If we can find a solution I will add the details to my website section on FMS

Cheers Mike :D
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Mike Roberts
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Postby dditch » Sun Jan 05, 2003 8:01 pm

I'll check it out. I don't want to hack it up as my old 300mhz laptop will run the Aerochopper but not the dos FMS. I just got a pic interface working with my radio so I am in no hurry, just tinkering. About 10 years ago I adapted an old futaba radio to a joystick interface so I could use the dave brown simulator SW with my radio, so I know what is involved in that sort of thing. If I take it apart, I'll send pics.
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Postby dditch » Sun Jan 05, 2003 8:44 pm

OK, here we go:
I opened it up and it had an AtoD converter (ADC0834CCN) and a small 4 bit microcontroller (COP413C-STU/N) I guess these guys liked national semiconductor or something.
Pots are 24K.
The serial port is hooked up to 2,3,7 and 4 so it is port powered.
When I get the chance, I'm gonna hook it up to a serial port analyzer and submit the protocol to the FMS guys.

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Postby Heli User » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:45 pm

i have also a serialcontroller from aerochopper (Atari) and it works very well with XP.
i take a tool that calls ppjoy, you can download it :

enjoy it

Heli User
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Postby Womble » Fri Aug 12, 2005 10:18 am

I can confirm that this software really DOES work. I bought the Atari ST version of aerochopper through ebay as I kinda collect atari hardware (the wierder the better) and have got the handset working flawlessly with FMS without any modification. All you need is a serial adaptor which cost a few dollars at most.

Thats the one I am using - it shows the connections that are made so you can source one locally, or make your own.

Extract the PPJoy zip to a folder, run setup.exe and ignore any warnings about unsigned drivers etc. Once you are done with that you will find a new icon in control panel called "parallel port joysticks". Ignore the fact its says parrallel folks. Just add a new joystick, it will call it "PPJoy Virtual Joystick 1". This seems to just be a frontend for the driver so windows can list it as available to other applications. Now go back to the folder with PPJoy in double click the icon PPJoyCom.exe. Leave everything at default except the "Serial protocol" part - right at the bottom of the list you will find Aerochopper Serial. Leave this window open or it will stop working. You have just set the backend of the windows driver so this app must be left running.

Now fire up FMS and go to controllers. Choose "joystick interface". One of the joysticks will be the aerochopper (if you have another joystick it will be number 2). Waggling the Aerochopper sticks will now show up. Go to "callibrate" and follow the instructions. You will need to alter the "Mappings" also.

From top to bottom set the 1st 4 channels in this order - 7 6 5 8 (the last 4 dont apply). Leave all the tick boxes blank and you are ready to rock.


Oh and guess what - i works on MS Flight Sim too :d - I need to fiddle with the mappings to get it to work correctly but all the functions are there. Its awesome!

PS - Hey Heli User - A BIG THANK YOU, I googled my little heart out and came up blank.

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Postby TazzyUK » Fri Jun 30, 2006 1:31 am

Hey 'Womble'

Are you saying that the Aerochopper dummy radio will work with FMS RC sim with just the use of the 25pin-9pin serial converter??

Did I read that right?

Thats all you need?

OR the converter has to be modified?

Appreciate your (or any) feedback on this

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