I can confirm that this software really DOES work. I bought the Atari ST version of aerochopper through ebay as I kinda collect atari hardware (the wierder the better) and have got the handset working flawlessly with FMS without any modification. All you need is a serial adaptor which cost a few dollars at most.
Thats the one I am using - it shows the connections that are made so you can source one locally, or make your own.
Extract the PPJoy zip to a folder, run setup.exe and ignore any warnings about unsigned drivers etc. Once you are done with that you will find a new icon in control panel called "parallel port joysticks". Ignore the fact its says parrallel folks. Just add a new joystick, it will call it "PPJoy Virtual Joystick 1". This seems to just be a frontend for the driver so windows can list it as available to other applications. Now go back to the folder with PPJoy in double click the icon PPJoyCom.exe. Leave everything at default except the "Serial protocol" part - right at the bottom of the list you will find Aerochopper Serial. Leave this window open or it will stop working. You have just set the backend of the windows driver so this app must be left running.
Now fire up FMS and go to controllers. Choose "joystick interface". One of the joysticks will be the aerochopper (if you have another joystick it will be number 2). Waggling the Aerochopper sticks will now show up. Go to "callibrate" and follow the instructions. You will need to alter the "Mappings" also.
From top to bottom set the 1st 4 channels in this order - 7 6 5 8 (the last 4 dont apply). Leave all the tick boxes blank and you are ready to rock.
Oh and guess what - i works on MS Flight Sim too :d - I need to fiddle with the mappings to get it to work correctly but all the functions are there. Its awesome!
PS - Hey Heli User - A BIG THANK YOU, I googled my little heart out and came up blank.