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FMS Forum • View topic - New HobbyZone Mini Super Cub

New HobbyZone Mini Super Cub

New HobbyZone Mini Super Cub

Postby ggunners » Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:44 pm

Hello all!

I have just completed a model of the .

The is a cool scale model that is small and light
for flying fields that were a bit too small for the full-size Super Cub.
The RTF is all-inclusive at a great starter price of $120.

Model Specs are:

Wing Span: 31.75 in / 806mm
Overall Length: 21.5 in / 546mm
Flying Weight: 7.0 oz / 200g
Motor Size: 180 power with gearbox
Prop: 7 x 3.5
Radio: Proportional 3-channel FM, R/E/T
Battery: 2-cell 7.4V 300mAh Li-Poly


Please try the model with FMS and let me know
how it flies or whether any adjustments are needed.

-- ggunners
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Postby Stew2000 » Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:05 pm

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Re: New HobbyZone Mini Super Cub

Postby djb » Tue Dec 08, 2009 3:39 pm

I purchased a HobbyZone Mini Super Cub for my son for Christmas, so this simulation is great to have! I just installed a USB joystick controller last night so we can "fly" for real instead of via keyboard to get practice. Thank you for creating the model.

I'm new to all this, so please bear with me...

The plane starts turning to the left immediately during/after takeoff. We then adjust to fly straight. Is this supposed to happen or am I doing something wrong? Am I supposed to trim the model somehow before flight?

Also, poking around in the .par file, I notice that the two wings are not symmetric. Is this correct? Is it related to the plane not starting out straight?
//Wing1 <LEFT>
0.4 //start position of the flap [m]
0.4 //end position of the flap [m]
//Wing2 <RIGHT>
0 //start position of the flap [m]
0 //end position of the flap [m]

By the way, I notice you are in Chantilly. I sometimes make it down there for work. Do you ever fly during the week? I'd love to see your planes!

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Re: New HobbyZone Mini Super Cub

Postby ggunners » Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:00 pm


The abrupt changes in the model upon initialization relates to the FMS model initialization routines. If you put the throttle at zero and then hit the "I" keyboard button to initialize, you will see the airplane starts in different positions depending on the position of the rudder channel irreguardless of whether the rudder channel is used or not. The aileron channel seems to have the same effect on initialization position. This is probably a bug that will never get fixed.

The ailerons are not used and they are at zero length because starting and ending positions are the same. That is an artifact of having a zero length elevator in the .par file and making the channel zero and how Mr. Masouka's Par Editor handles that situation.

Hope that information helps.

-- Gary
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Re: New HobbyZone Mini Super Cub

Postby djb » Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:55 pm


Now that I know it is normal for the initialization to jump around, I'll just correct with the controls as the plane gets moving.

I though it odd that one aileron has start/end at 0/0 and the other had start/end at 0.4/0.4. I believe that you are saying that, either way, the length is 0, so it doesn't matter what the numbers are as long as the start/end match.

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Re: New HobbyZone Mini Super Cub

Postby TreeHugger » Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:30 am

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Re: New HobbyZone Mini Super Cub

Postby PUDD750 » Fri Dec 25, 2009 9:51 pm

your super cub looks nice- how do i put it in FMS? thanks
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Re: New HobbyZone Mini Super Cub

Postby PUDD750 » Fri Dec 25, 2009 9:52 pm

your super cub looks nice- how do i put it in FMS? thanks
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Re: New HobbyZone Mini Super Cub

Postby ggunners » Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:00 pm

When clicking on the .zip file for the model, choose to open it instead of download it.

Then extract or copy the files to the C:\ Program Files\ FMS\ Model directory.

-- ggunners
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