There MUSTbe a way... - F5B Twister (or whatever)

Postby Rockfist Rogan » Wed Apr 03, 2002 8:31 pm

This is ridiculous...
The whole essence of F5B is to get to height VERY quickly (outside the course) and then fly laps up and down the course with the motor OFF. I can only turn the motor DOWN.
Is there a setting in the par file I can change?
Otherwise, it's about as much use as the proverbial chocolate teapot. :angry:
Rockfist Rogan
Posts: 74
Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2002 9:11 am

Postby Michael_Moeller » Thu Apr 04, 2002 3:47 pm

If you turn the motor down to zero, it is OFF. There is no switch for the motor. If the motor is at 0% (what means OFF) and you do still hear some engine sounds, that's because off a weak formula to calculate the sound frequency for the motor. :(
The force the the motor gives on the model is calculateded seperately from the sound.
Posts: 88
Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2002 10:38 am

Postby Rockfist Rogan » Thu Apr 04, 2002 9:30 pm

Ok. I understand what you are saying.
I just now tried really stretching the glide, and, just before it stalls, the sound does stop briefly. This really does need fixing...

The wing loading does seem to be rather high to me, even for a 27 cell F5B model.

I really*must* find the time to get to grips with Pardes and Metasequoia, as I have a few of my own design models I would *love* to fly with FMS.

Rockfist Rogan
Posts: 74
Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2002 9:11 am

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