Graphics Problems?

Graphics Problems?

Postby DemonAce » Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:59 pm

ive got the Nvidia card yada yada

Ive followed the instructions on other posts, but i still get a flickering around the plane
and on the top of the window, apart from that, everything else is clear..

Any ideas?
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Re: Graphics Problems?

Postby pingiscoolest » Sun Jan 03, 2010 4:38 pm

I know I'm late, but i was able to fix this problem by turning off textures, unfortunately after the flickering went away i was left with a very poorly rendered landscape. I am not sure how to fix taht but at least you can fly teh plane.
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Re: Graphics Problems?

Postby syndony » Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:34 pm

Hello yall, im a new member =) but thought id best off post my first being a problem rather then introductory one so i apologise for that.

ike the title says, im having some graphic problems on my PC... setting the scene;

OS: XP Professional
Proc: AMD Athlon XP 3200+ ~2.2GHz
Memory: 2046MB RAM
Harddrive 140GB
Display: RADEON 9800 Pro 128MB

Ive had the computer for ... approximately 2 years, temperature runs fine, but up until last year, i stopped gaming (WoW, America's Army, Eve) because it kept on crashing, so i thought maybe because of all the crap i have on the computer.
But it wasnt until recently i rebooted and reinstalled Windows, so only installing the key components and updating them, i wanted to see if i still crash, and lo and behold, i still do.

When it crashes, it goes to a black screen, yet i hear the computer fans still running, so it is on, but nothings showing up, sometimes goes to a blue screen but not recently as of yet, so because it just goes black, it doesnt give me a minidump either.

It is quite stable when not operating any high graphically required programs, but whenever i start a game, or even SolidWorks, it works fine for a little awhile, then crashes, usually within 10mins.

Device driver problem or power supply or whatever your imagination can conjure?

My spec is suitable for the games and i have around 80GB of harddrive space, i did used to play for a long time without any complaints for quite a number of months, but then it started happening...
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Re: Graphics Problems?

Postby KEW » Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:23 pm

Hi sindony,

Your problem definitely appears to be related to your graphic card. Turn off your computer and disconnect the power before you try any trouble-shooting.

Remove the Radon graphic card and check it over. Check the built-on fan on its processor. Give this special scrutiny for dust stuck to the blades and dust between the fins of the heat-sinc. Gently flick it with your finger to make sure it rotates freely. Listen for rasps or squeaks - it should be completely quiet. I have seen a lot of computers fail intermittently because of graphic card overheating. This can lead to a drastic failure and can even damage the mother-board. If the fan is faulty, you can buy a replacement. They just clip on. Take the old one with you to make sure the new one will fit.

Before you replace the graphic card, gently clean the circuit board connector fingers with alcohol on a soft cloth. Check the rest of the computer for accumulations of dust and fluff. Brush it out with a soft paint brush.

If this does not cure your problem, I suggest that you replace the graphic card. A new one will costs less than $50.00 (probably around $20.00 if you shop around).

Good luck

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Re: Graphics Problems?

Postby ggunners » Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:05 pm

Yes, graphics card. I had an issue very much like yours and it turned out to be a power issue to the graphics card itself. If your graphics card has an external power option, perhaps using a disk drive power cable, try using it. It solved my problem, but then, of course, I needed a larger power supply. Power supplies do age each and every year and lose some of their ability to provide power. So, graphics card and/or power supply may be the issue. Mine was the power supply that the graphics card wanted.

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