fms not loading the local winmm.dll - Win XP SP3

fms not loading the local winmm.dll - Win XP SP3

Postby olonagan » Mon May 31, 2010 12:32 pm


I have found many posts on troubleshooting the SPP's winmm.dll not loaded correctly by the FMS.
It seems I have an extreeme version of it :(
I have a new installation of XP SP3 on my laptop. I used FMS+SPP following a standard installation for some time. After the recent reinstallation of the system, even though I have exactly the same installation (I have a copy of my previous C:\Program Files\FMS folder), the FMS fails to use the local winmm.dll and loads the system's file. All other dlls that are located in the FMS's directory are loaded correctly. Moreover, thinking that maybe the winmm.dll is corrupted, I have copied the system winmm.dll to the local directory, and still, Process Explorer shows that FMS.exe loads the winmm.dll file from c:\winnt\system32 :(

Any idea on how to really force the FMS to use the local library? I tried changing the registry following some posts and it gave nothing neither (Session Manager, and a flag SecureDll something set to 0 or 1).

Thanks a lot
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