Video Problems

Postby haze2 » Thu Jan 17, 2002 3:21 am

Last week I received my PIC Serial Interface and connected it to my Win 2000 computer. It has worked great until today. When I opened the program is was so screwed up that I uninstalled it and then reinstalled.

The newly installed program has a video glitch. The picture starts out fine, then starts moving in slow motion. Then it suddenly speeds up again. When it speeds back up, it places the aircraft where it would be if it had never slowed down. Impossibe to fly.

I downloaded the three debugging programs, and it works fine with those. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling again, but got the same result. So I am now operating with the debug programs.

Any idea why this worked so perfectly for a week, and then crapped out like this?

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Joined: Thu Jan 17, 2002 3:06 am

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