Can Serial Connection Interface Work With XP Pro.

Postby new wing man » Wed Feb 09, 2005 9:28 am


I have tried working out the circuit interface connection which heliguy advertised for parellel port. Sad to say after so many trial & changes on setting with PPJoy, cable connection & pc bios changes, nothing has ever changed.

I have an interface built for FMS Beta 7 with ME as the O.S which I have been practising on for sometime but with XP Pro installed nothing is PRO......

I wish to ask if anyone who can help me solve this problem, i'll combined all my attempt and have it publish here so that other fliers can practise before they go the filed crash and completely leave this hobby.

My request is if I could use the same interface for Beta 7 version to work with XP & Beta 8.5 (for your info.I use a Laser 4 Hitec)

I'm eager to build this, that's what this hobby is all about.

You could e-mail me at or have it posted here for other to work things out.

new wing man
new wing man
Posts: 9
Joined: Tue Jan 18, 2005 3:12 pm

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