Ken's USB interface and Win XP-Need help! - Can't use FMS, Ken's USB and Win xXP

Postby erashby » Wed Aug 14, 2002 2:35 am

First of all, Ken has been responsive and the USB interface cable is of high quality. But he and I have not been able to figure this one out.

I'm using his USB interface with a Flash 5x on a Sony GR390 (PIII) running Win XP prof and FMS 2.0 Beta 7. The HID controller appears and can be calibrated in the gaming options of control panels. (However, to calibrate I just clicked next after each movement since, you can not hit a button as it asks.) It does, however, show the wrong name.

When I try to calibrate under joysticks in FMS the chnnels are flying all over the place with no correlation to stick position.

I have tried the sames setup on a desktop PIII running Win 98 SE and it works well.

I've tried reinstalling the drivers a couple of times.
Any ideas?
I need to have this working in 2 weeks because I'm leaving on a trip. ???
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