esky. Honey bee 2. How to setting n play the simulation?

esky. Honey bee 2. How to setting n play the simulation?

Postby successsor » Thu Oct 15, 2009 5:30 pm

Hi all...

I just buy esky honey bee2. I install the software because want to play simulator. The problem is, i cannot play using my transmitter. I set @ control---> analog control and i follow the setting in video. But cannot work. It always, only can play using keyboard. Using keyboard to play for what? That not simulation. That video game. WTF. Anyone here know how to setting that program? any help from u all would be very appriciate. Thanks.
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Re: esky. Honey bee 2. How to setting n play the simulation?

Postby KEW » Thu Oct 15, 2009 7:40 pm

I have not used the Honeybee controller but I understand that it connects to the USB port. Did you set up the Honeybee to be a game controller in Windows before trying to set it up in FMS? If not, then FMS will probably not find it.

To set up the Honeybee in Windows, go to the Control Panel. Select Game Controllers and make sure yours is shown in the window. Select it and calibrate it using the Advanced feature. Once it becomes the default controller, It will be detected by FMS and will allow you to set it up.

Good luck.

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