Esky USB Controller - Windows Joystick?

Esky USB Controller - Windows Joystick?

Postby thrashin » Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:57 am

Hi Guys, I am thinking of purchasing an Esky USB controller (the one which is a transmitter case, connects to the computer via a USB cable) and was wondering, when you plug it in, is it recognised by windows as a standard joystick? i.e. Can any Window's program use it?

I have a logitec Wingman game pad, with two sticks that works fine for my sims, except that the throttle is sprung.. not ideal. I want to get the Esky controller and hope to use it for all my flight sims. If it's recognised by Windows as a standard controller, then that's half the battle.
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Postby FloridaFly » Tue Mar 27, 2007 4:14 pm

I have a Esky controller and it works very well with the flight sims. I had a game pad and it did work, but not really as well as the Esky. The Esky feels more like a RC transmitter. My Windows XP pro sees the Esky automatically as soon as it is plugged into the USB port. Don't know how it will work with othe programs as I only use it for flight sims. I got mine from ebay for less than $30 with shipping included. A great deal as it will make your sims more flyalbe, at least that is my opinion. :D
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