FMS memory question, please help me

FMS memory question, please help me

Postby yuchai » Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:39 am

I use FMS development webgame. 2 application. 1: room 2: game.
room to maintain 24-hour continuous connection. game is the player number 0, shutdown ()

That there are about 400 people online when the room occupied by the memory 500-800M. game only 100M

Players reduction, room memory will not reduce still remain in the 500-800M

Is there relevant solutions or comments?

function userLogon(_newClient, userType, userName, userPsd) {
var Logon = new LoadVars();
Logon.errorCount = 0;
Logon.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
if (this.returnInfo == "ok") {
} else {
var err = new Object();
err.message = "error";
application.rejectConnection(_newClient, err);
} else {
if (this.errorCount>=3) {
var err = new Object();
err.message = "error";
application.rejectConnection(_newClient, err);
} else {
Logon.sendAndLoad(sendUrl, Logon, "POST");
var sendUrl = logonUrl+"userName="+userName+"&userPsd="+userPsd+"&";
Logon.sendAndLoad(sendUrl, Logon, "POST");
The above is my with. Net code for examples of interactive programs.
sendandload in the "function" . To do an asynchronous callback. Used many times in such a way, such

as sending data, user exit, replace the image and so on ... I have used this method
Is it because such an approach lead to memory footprint is too large?
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:35 am

Re: FMS memory question, please help me

Postby KEW » Sat Feb 06, 2010 4:57 pm

This is a forum for Flying Model Simulator. I think you have the wrong FMS. Your question leads me to believe that you are using the Adobe Flash Media Server. We can not help you here. I suggest that you try the website at:

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