Chart Of Aircraft Features

Chart Of Aircraft Features

Postby JohnDickey » Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:56 am

Hello, another newbie here, eventually I want to do FPV using rc models of Light Sport Aircraft, but I know enough to learn to crawl before I walk and walk before I run.

Can we get a table of aircraft features, like what channels are used, and wingspan of the airplane simulated, something like this:

Multiplex..EasyStar..........3Ch R/E/T.....54"....1370mm..24oz 680g..2.83
Parkzone..P-51D Mustang..3CH A/E/T.....39.5"..1000mm..29oz 820g..2.83
Hobbico...Piper J3 Cub.....4Ch A/R/E/T..38.1"....970mm..21oz 600g..2.83

Mfg, several manufacturers make different sizes and versions of Piper Cubs.
Aircraft model, which version of the rc aircraft.
Channels, what are the channels used for,
..both the EasyStar and the Mustang have 3 channels,
..but the EasyStar has R/E/T and NO ailerons,
..while the Mustang has A/E/T and NO rudder.
Wingspan, will the rc aircraft fit in the trunk of my car.
Weight, many indoor locations have a 10 oz (283g) weight limit for fixed wing aircraft.
Program Version, is this add-on aircraft compatible with the latest program version?

I am sure that the Helicopter enthusiasts would appreciate a similar chart of channels, rotor diameter, and weight.

Thanks for the help
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Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:27 am

Re: Chart Of Aircraft Features

Postby KEW » Mon Mar 08, 2010 4:32 am

The big problem with compiling a list like the one you suggest is the sheer number of planes available for FMS. I have been selective about the ones I have downloaded and saved. I have 224 planes and 56 helicopters so far. They are from a large number of different sources and I did not make a note of which plane came from which website. I could catalog the characteristics of the planes I have - if I had the time, but without the source of the plane it would be useless to anyone else.

My suggestion is that you do the same as I did - make a number of different folders and save the planes you download, fly and want to keep into the appropriate folder - such as "Sport", "Pattern", "Small Electric", etc.

I hope I have been some practical help.

Good flying,
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