please i need help - info on all this stuff

Postby plug » Sun Apr 22, 2001 5:37 pm

hi im new to all of this rc stuff.
how do i got about this sim where can i get the cable and what will it cost i have a futaba 4vf-fm remote..
what is a buddy port and what software do i install i know i sound really dumb but i need help i have got a manual but it`s not so great please help me out...tx t4vf is the lable on my box please help thanks
thanks for your time
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Location: south africa

Postby philipd » Fri Sep 14, 2001 4:20 am

Hi There, there are a couple of place you can get the cable made up but trying to build it yourself is half the fun, The buddy port is found on the back of your transmitter, this can be connected to a second transmitter for learning or in this case a computer via a parrallel cable, there is no software required, besides downloading the beta 6version of FMS found on the downloads page, need some more info on your transmitter , model brand, age and I might be able to help more
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Postby bsergeev » Fri Sep 14, 2001 5:22 pm

Besides missing half the fun by buying a cable, you'll also waste mucho tenaro: a self-made cable will cost you about ů...8 (if all the parts are bought in RadioShack), while parallel cables are sold for more than ฤ...30.
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