How to check if parameters are realistic

How to check if parameters are realistic

Postby StefanL38 » Sat Oct 26, 2013 5:02 pm


I downloaded a FMS-model for Easy Star II from the multiplex homepage.
Then I looked inside the parameters.
The weight is defined as 0.33kg. The real weight ist 0.7kg more than double.

So now I don't trust the rest of the parameters. Can anyone take a look at the parameters if they seem to be realistic?

I made a very quick and dirty translation of the oarameterfile
0 iModelType: 0 = plane
1.15 motorforce: in Newton
0.21 rudder in rad
0.10 Max. rudder in rad
0.000 Aileron (Fluegelverwindung) in rad
1.0 camax des Mainwing
-0.6 camin des Mainwing
6.2 Auftriebsanstieg
1 dcaue
0.018 cw0 des Mainwing
0.00 Widerstandsbeiwert des Rumpfes
0.5 mueground
0.76 mcwue
0.00 Momentbeiwert des Mainwing
0.013 Anstellwinkel of Mainwing gegenueber dem Rumpf in rad
1.38 length of Mainwing in m
0.19 width of Mainwing in m
0.08 Schwerpunktruecklage von der Vorderkante des Hauptfluegels in m
0.33 weight des Modells in kg
0.05 inertia um die vertical
0.085 inertia um die roll
0.006 inertia um die length
0.03 Flaeche des elev in m^2
0.01 Flaeche des rudder in m^2
0.6 Leitwerkshebel in m
0.003 V-Form

her the original file in german
0 iModelType: 0 = Flugzeug
1.15 Motorkraft: Schub in Newton
0.21 Seitenruderausschlag in rad
0.10 Max. Hoehenruderausschlag in rad
0.000 Querruderausschlag (Fluegelverwindung) in rad
1.0 camax des Hauptfluegels
-0.6 camin des Hauptfluegels
6.2 Auftriebsanstieg
1 dcaue
0.018 cw0 des Hauptfluegels
0.00 Widerstandsbeiwert des Rumpfes
0.5 mueBoden
0.76 mcwue
0.00 Momentbeiwert des Hauptfluegels
0.013 Anstellwinkel des Hauptfluegels gegenueber dem Rumpf in rad
1.38 Spannweite des Hauptfluegels in m
0.19 Flaechentiefe des Hauptfluegels in m
0.08 Schwerpunktruecklage von der Vorderkante des Hauptfluegels in m
0.33 Masse des Modells in kg
0.05 Traegheitsmoment um die Hochachse
0.085 Traegheitsmoment um die Querachse
0.006 Traegheitsmoment um die Laengsachse
0.03 Flaeche des Hoeheleitwerks in m^2
0.01 Flaeche des Seitenleitwerks in m^2
0.6 Leitwerkshebel in m
0.003 V-Form

How would you analyse a real model to get parameters like inertia ?
Building an STL-3D-model adding specific weight of material and then using a tool to calculate the inertia?

Thank you very much for tips and your opinion
best regards

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Joined: Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:37 pm

Re: How to check if parameters are realistic

Postby ggunners » Mon Oct 28, 2013 1:36 am

You can use par designer to edit the ,par file.

For FMS beta 7, multiplex created the model, so I have to trust their expertise.

There are aileron versions created for FMS alpha 8 that may use parameters closer to reality, however, you can use different than actual parameters and still have a Sim model that reacts like the real rc model. It takes over 10 hours to create a Sim model and years to understand the effect of all the parameters.

Good Flying. -- ggunners
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