Hello again Boxed,
How did you obtain your 5v? I am thinking of taping directly from the PC powersupply (if really required) since its regulated. But before we get into any details did you have a 5v reading on your circuit before you even decided to attach an external power source. I have a clean 5v reading so I am just wondering if I should still try to isolate a power problem.
I am still unsure about the transmitter(radio) check. I don't have access to an oscilloscope nor another radio so I can't figure out what this test will confirm. Is this to show that there is a pulse output/coming from the circuit to the radio? You did also mention about trainer connection earlier. I tried to change the Trainer setting on my radio but also no response when running joystick calibration.
What radio do you have or are using? I have a Futaba 8 Channel heli radio (model 8UHPS).
The transistor I have doubt about earlier is labeled Q1 on the rc2joy circuit. I used a BC547 transistor. I was not sure how to identify from the 3pins on the transistor which is the Base, Emitter and Collector. But I finally decided to bring the transistor down to a local TV repair shop and ask them to help me confirm the pins.
Again for the masses info, on the BC574 that I am using, with the FLAT side of the transistor facing me (there is a curve side and flat side on this transistor), Collector is on the Left side, Base in the Middle & Emitter on the right side. Everyone agree? I hope so...
I did not build another separate circuit for programming the ATMEL chip. I build the rc2joy circuit as is and use JP1 to attach to my PC parallel port to program the 90S2313. Is this not the function of J1?
I notice in the circuit you builded, you left out this circuitry. You omited R1, R2, C1 & JP1. You also did not have switch (S1) on your circuit. So how did you manage to calibrate your radio without this switch as the joystick calibration will ask to press a button on the circuit to proceed on to the next calibration process?
What software can I use to read the ATMEL chip? DO I need to build another circuit to accomplish this task? I hope not. I will check ATMEL's site for info on how I can read the contents of the chip while waiting for your reply. This is just to confirm that the HEX file was written to the chip.
The avreal programmer for the ATMEL you are refering to is the 'FBPRG' adapter, right? Its just 6 cables connected directly from the parallel port to the 90S2313 chip, even more simple that the programming circuit (JP1) on rc2joy. I will try the 'FBPRG' adapter later and advise outcome.
Thanks again.