8.3 crashing on initialization

Postby rc_av8r » Sat Oct 30, 2004 2:12 am

Hi guys,
When I try to run 8.3, I get the message stating windows encountered a problem and needs to close. The error signature says:
AppName: fms.exe AppVer: ModName: kernel32.dll
ModVer: 5.1.2600.1560 Offset: 000138b2

Is this a known problem? I've tried doing a search here, no luck. I'm running windows XP pro.
My system is:

AMD Athalon 1700+ , 1.47ghz
SiS Xabre video card
and yes I have directx 9.

If you need any other info let me know.
Thanks a bunch,
BTW I can run the normal beta fine.
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Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2004 1:10 am

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