FMS and Win XP Pro - Possible interfaces for XP Pro

Postby w4kv » Sun Mar 17, 2002 2:31 pm

I have installed FMS 2.0 Beta 7 on two computers--one running Win 98 and one running XP Pro. Connected my JR X-388S via parallel port and it works great on the Win 98 machine.

I can't configure the machine using XP Pro to accept the parallel port input. Another message/reply on this board suggest that FMS doesn't allow parallel/serial input on Win 2000. Since XP is so similar, maybe the same is true with it.

I want to get some input from some more experienced users. Can I use my JR xmtr "buddy cord" with a machine running XP Pro? If so, how.


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Postby johnhlong » Sun Mar 17, 2002 3:56 pm

I believe you are correct that XP and 2000 do not support the basic serial or parallel interfaces. It is an operating system problem with them.

If the serial and parallel selection box is grayed out then you know for sure that they are not possible to use on that operating system.

Now with Winsows 2000 and XP you do have other choices..... Keyboard, Joystick, PIC or the new Audio interface.

The keyboard and arrow keys of you computer can be used to control FMS. Some setup needs to be done to disable the transmitter input first so the other interface inputs (whether connected or not) do not interfere or overide the keys pushed giving weird results.

The joystick interface connects to the Gameport or USB port like a joystick and can be used by any program that can use a joystick. The are ways of rebuilding older transmitters to look like big joysticks. There are kits and pre-built interfaces availible. Some companies have built simulated transmitters that look and feel like real transmitters but are wired to be duel joysticks.

The PIC is a special micro-computer controlled serial interface that only works with FMS. There are plans, kits and pre-made interfaces available.

The new (experminital) audio interface uses a standard stereo 3.5 mm coard to connect the transmitter to line in or mic in of your sound card. There is then a free patch that runs and makes this look like a joystick is connected to your computer whick FMS uses as an input.

The serial interface connects the transmitter to FMS via the serial or modem port. There are plans, kits and pre-built interfaces availible

The parallel connects the transmitter to FMS via the parallel or printer port of your computer. There are plans, kits and pre-built interfaces available.

The joystick and audio interfaces support 1-4 channels of operation.
The others support up to 1-8 channels of operation (altho FMS can only use 4 at once at the release).

Well I think that should be enough info in a post for now.

John Long
Seattle, Washington
(425) 837-0802
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